
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Lake Havasu–Change of Plans

Southern portion Lake Havasu

Well, Yuma is out, Lake Havasu is in.  The reason why we were going to Yuma was for new glasses for me from Mexico…the reason why we are not going to Yuma is because I don’t feel my knee could hold up to the long walk there and back.  In Prescott I was doing well, even got off the cane for a day…but then I stood up on it and it twisted again.  In Phoenix I did a lot of walking and then immediate sitting, which did not help.  Three hours in restaurants eating and visiting was not good on the leg, but it was sure good company.  And yes, we did go back to Greektown Restaurant for dinner Tuesday night!  We also enjoyed a lunch with Tony and JoAnn who use to live across the street from her in the Chicago was nice to meet them for the first time.

Havasu Falls RV Resort

So we drove through high winds from Phoenix to Quartzite to Lake Havasu.  We are in a Passport America park called Havasu Falls RV Resort, which is normally $44, but with PA it will be $22 plus $4 for the dogs.  We will be here for one night, then, depending on how I feel, move on or move to another PA park in the area which is not as nice as this one.

Havasu Falls RV Resort dog run

This park has a long dog walk which is lower than the parking level, and on the other side of that white fence is another RV park.  I don’t know if I can count the number of RV parks that are in the Lake Havasu area…along with state parks, and some good free Dispersed Camping spots. 

Havasu Falls RV Resort

Look at that Palm Tree!  The wind is very high and constant.  It is 8 pm as I write this, and the wind is still blowing very hard.

Havasu Falls RV Resort

But if you are going to have wind, you might as well have a nice view to enjoy it from.  There were many better views from other parks that we saw along the way…if we were to stay here for awhile, I would definitely look at some of those parks.  But for our purposes, this one is just fine for tonight.

Quail at Cave Creek Regional Park

The road today started with a few quail which crossed right in front of us as I was programing the GPS as we were leaving Cave Creek.  We saw many Quail while at the park, but these few were the only ones we had the camera ready for, and Marcia did good catching  a number of picture of them.

Between Quartzite and Phoenix

Despite the wind, which made the skies hazy, the scenery at times was very nice.

Between Quartzite and Phoenix    Between Quartzite and Phoenix
Between Quartzite and Phoenix    Between Quartzite and Phoenix

All of these pictures were taken along I-10 between Phoenix and Quartzite.  I know that many RVers have been along this route, and this general area is a huge Winter Haven for snowbirds who want free or nearly free camping in the area.  Quartzite itself is the home of a HUGE gathering of RVers during the month of January, with still large crowds in December and February.  With April here, the amount of dispersed campers is very low.

Along highway 95 headed to Lake Havasu    Along highway 95 headed to Lake Havasu 

Along highway 95 headed to Lake Havasu    Along highway 95 headed to Lake Havasu

At Quartzite we head north along highway 95, and as we near the mountains to the north we get glimpses of the Colorado River, and the views are fabulous.  I have never been along this route, but have wanted to drive it for many years now.  Typically I was going along I-40 headed east or west between California and Arkansas.  The rock formations, the Colorado River, and the greenery is just wonderful.  Today the temps were in the 70’s, during the summer it can get very hot in this area…but you do have the river to cool off in if all else fails.  During January the average highs are in the upper 60’s, and the average lows in the 40’s.  Yes, you will have a few freezing nights…but typically not many.  Hence the draw for snowbirds to the area, and RV parks reflect this in their prices, that’s for sure.
Havasu Falls RV Resort Rates
But if you want to live here year around, in your RV, and put up with the 110 degree summer days, $400 plus electricity is not a bad price.  As for me, I can’t handle that 110 degree temps, especially when the nights remain in the 80s.  Steaming mad


  1. We just left that area a few days ago. Sorry we missed you.

    1. Would have been nice to finally meet you....another time I'm sure.

  2. I adore Lake Havasu City. I have been there many times. A cousin of mine lives there! :) Keep on enjoying your trip! Blessings... Lynn

    1. I was telling Marcia that we need to come back and stay longer some time....of course, we have said that about other places too. Just glad to have seen it, it is a lovely place.

  3. Hope your knee improves, Dave. This getting older stuff is a real pain!!! We were in Lake Havasu for the first time this past fall and had a wonderful visit. We ended up extending our time for another week. We stayed at the state park which was very nice. Glad the wind didn't hold your travels back.

    1. I hope we can get back there and enjoy a longer it was, the change of plans just gave me an excuse to pass through. I'll be the state park is much better than these concrete parking lots they call resorts.


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