
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Deceitful Me?


Yep, that’s mom.  Where are we?  In Missouri, where we gave mom and dad a big surprise by showing up in Blue Springs (outside Kansas City) where they have been for two weeks now, with another four nights to go before they fly back to the Sacramento area.  Why?  Because we can, that’s why.


We left Cochiti Lake on Tuesday morning, and drove to Elkhart, Kansas.  What?  You thought I did the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument hike on Tuesday?  Well, I actually did that on Monday.  Implied that I did it on Tuesday in the blog to throw mom off “IF” she read the blog…she hadn’t, but mission accomplished, it was a complete surprise to them.  On Wednesday we drove through Dodge City, said hi to Wyatt, Bat (Masterson) and, of course, Kitty and Matt, as we drove quickly through (after getting gas).  Wednesday night we stayed in Emporia, Kansas.  This was the loudest park we had stayed in for many weeks, and it was not that loud….just seemed to be since we have had dead silence for so long now.


When dinosaurs are the most interesting thing to photograph as you travel from one corner of Kansas to the other, you know you have an exciting trip.  Of course, we were on a mission, travel 800+ miles in just over 50 hours, you know that you don’t have time to stop and enjoy the roses, errr, tumbleweeds.


Good weather for two days, but woke up today to the sound of thunder, and once underway, we stopped to allow the storm to pass over just on the outskirts of Emporia, then hit about 20-30 minutes of some pretty hard weather before clouds with blue skies started to appear.  Hard to tell, but it is real dark in that rearview mirror.

4b     5c

We are at a KOA in Oak Grove, Missouri, ten miles from mom and dad’s weekly-stay motel.  We have stayed her in the past, just last year, and had to renew our KOA membership to get the discount….but there is a KOA in Florida by Marcia’s brother’s house that we also stay at, so it is as it is.  Just not a big KOA fan, overpriced for what you get….but sometimes it’s your only choice.  Will be here for four nights, then off to Arkansas.  We also get to see my youngest son, who is in his first year at the Cleveland Chiropractic College just over the boarder in Kansas  He had a birthday yesterday, and I told him I would drive the 90 miles from Emporia to take him to dinner, but he had two tests today and decided stay home and study.  Tomorrow I will pick him up at noon from the College, and then the five of us will have dinner somewhere.  If I don’t blog for a few days, just know all is well.


  1. Hi Dave and Marcia:
    You're having another eventful cross-country gambol. I'll bet your folks were surprised - I'm sure they never thought you'd show up again so soon. Enjoy your four-day rest; why were you trying to get 800 miles in 50 hours? That's way too much work for you guys! And me too!

    1. 800 miles in just over two days because mom and dad will only be here until Monday, we wanted to be with them over the weekend. Oh, and mom was so surprised....we got here good.

  2. What a nice surprise!! Have a great time with the family:)

    1. Thanks, it is nice to see mom, dad and my son, along with other relatives.


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