
Monday, September 22, 2014

Park City to Moab


Headed back down Provo Canyon from Heber Valley towards Provo.  This nearly 30 mile trek is one of my favorite little drives….did it a bunch when I lived in Utah.


You can understand when you see it why Robert Redford would build his Sundance Resort right off this canyon drive, about 5 miles to the north.  He bought the property back in the late ‘60’s, and as part of his resort he also established the Sundance Film Festival, and Sundance Institute.  


We picked up highway 6 in Spanish Fork, just south of Provo, and near Soldier’s Summit we caught some great fall colors.  Yes, the sky was darken at times with clouds along the route, but we only had a few sprinkles which barely required any window wipers.


As we got closer to Price Utah, we headed into a canyon.  About 8 years ago my son Michael and I were headed through this canyon on our way back to Arkansas….you know those signs you see that say “Watch for falling rocks”, well, it was storming and I saw one which I still don’t know how it missed us.  So yes, if you watch long enough, and drive enough miles, you too will see the illusive “Falling rocks”.


After price highway 6 turns more southeast than east, and along the east side of the highway for many miles you can see a portion of the Book Cliffs.  Eventually you get to I-70, then south on Utah 191 to Moab.


We are at the OK RV Park, just south of Moab.  It is a PA park, and cost us $24.50 a night…not bad for Moab.  


Unfortunately, this is a busy time for Moab…summer is over, winter is not here, so the temps are just right. This park, as many in the area, are packed….


…and they really pack you in at this park.  One spot next to us is empty, it is nearly 9 pm, and I know someone has reserved it.  They are either running real late, which means we will have loads of fun when they arrive, or they have been delayed a day and it will sit empty.  The Internet has a good connection, real good “ping” of 22ms (a computer network tool used to test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network), but an Internet Sped Test shows an average of 1mg download, and .2mg upload….so I figure they have their router set to keep everyone at a lower speed than what is really available.  This does keep heavy users in check…but if you know more is there and can’t get to it, well…that kinda sucks.   There is 3G on Verizon, and my upload is nearly 1mg, so I posted this through our aircard, which chews into our monthly usage.  Oh well…..tomorrow is probably going to be Arches National Park.


  1. What a beautiful drive Dave. Your pictures are really lovely. Knowing Utah well, you know just where to go. Wish we'd had time for you to map us a tour. We saw the Book Cliffs from Colorado National Monument. Really lovely. Guess we just missed the big onslaught in Moab although there were a lot of people in the park when we were there after Labor Day. We stayed at Portal and they had an Airstream Caravan there that took up 30 of their spots. They were everywhere. Interesting to talk to them though. Enjoy Arches!

    1. I just wish we could do some of the hikes you all did....I have done some of them before, but with MS, Marcia cannot even get out on those trails. I'll never forget the hikes to Delicate Arch that I did or attempted. (yes, one attempt was so hot that I did not make it, the kids did though, which was well)


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