
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Service Dog Goodies


I know, everyone was tuned in to see Skruffy’s new little pink backpack.  But there was a problem with it…it was very little.  So we had to return it.  Friday we ran all over the place trying to find a backpack that would work….but to no avail.  So we have improvised again, and picked up this soft fabric dog harness.  So many of the dog harnesses we saw where stiff and ridged..but this is nice and soft.


You can see her on the floor.  Without any problems at all, she jumped up on the chair for another picture.


You can see the pink phone carrier we bought to hold the new cell phone, which we attached to the harness.  Now, if you look real close, you can see two more goodies which came in Saturday’s mail from Amazon.  Do you see them?


How about now?  Yes, around her neck is her “Service Dog” tag.  We had a big ceremony, I hummed God Bless America, and we “pinned on” her new tags, and told her of the valuable service that we hope she never has to perform (because we don’t want mommy falling and needing the use of the phone after all…).   And we gave her a big present, her own copy of the 2014 Milepost book, fresh off the press.  (well, ok, maybe that is for mommy and daddy, but we will let her read some of the book to Bubba from time to time….)


We know she will proudly wear her tag….and we hope that dad learns how to put the new harness on properly the first time, every time.  (notice that her right leg, picture left…someone did not get her foot into the harness correctly…ooops)  May I add, Marcia said that she does not want to hear any comments about how the harness looks like a thong...nor is it some exotic bra just keep you jokes to yourself about any of that.

For those who don't know what a Milepost Book is, it is a mile-by-mile travel book for 30 major routes to and within Alaska.  For those who drive up to Alaska, especially for the first time, it is a "must have" resource.  The book just came out today, and I ordered it back in February with other things which already we got it very quick.  You just gotta love Amazon...


  1. Well, Skruffy's ready for the Alaska adventure and whatever might come up along the way - hopefully nothing but fun!
    I think her harness, cell phone carrier and Service Dog tag are very sophisticated and appropriate for her understated look. Remember, she doesn't want to 'make a statement' unless she has to.
    I hadn't heard of "The Milepost," but will certainly keep it in mind if / when I make that trip by RV. I've been to Alaska several times and have loved it just that much more each time. I just know you're going to have a trip of a lifetime.

    1. Thank you Mary-Pat. Did not know you have been there several times...was that flying, boat or driving? --Dave

  2. Scruffy looks mighty spiffy and is ready for service!
    Good job mom and dad!

    1. Marcia laughed when I did the "ceremony" .... Skruffy looked at me like I was crazy. We took her to church with us Saturday night (special service for an out-of-town guest speaker) and we showed her off...then had her wait in the cool car.

  3. Skruffy looks as if she's all geared up & ready to go--except for her foot. I know how much time and dedication it takes to work with your animal to became service dog partners. I see lots of 'wannabees' these days who don't know the difference between a companion and service animal. My friend, Leo Bustad, was one of the initial founders of the Delta Society. His wife, Signe, had one of the first hearing service animals. Thank you for the service you & Skruffy will provide--well done!

    1. Thank you. Although Skruffy won't be trained to do lots of things, that which she is already able to do is going to be a huge relief to Marcia who has been petrified every time she is left alone for any period of time. Her mother had a fall once and was on the ground for 7 hours before Marcia's brother found her. Back then cell phones were big and clumsy. If we were not on the road for 8 months of the year, we would probably have Skruffy go through some professional training, but it just is not practical right now....nor is there a need for it. But when a person has MS, you never know when they might have a need for more services.

  4. Oh too bad about the pink backpack. I think she'd like that a lot. But if they don't make it in her size then there's not much you can do. I know she appreciates her honor and the seriousness of her work. How does Bubba feel about all this?? Ah........Alaska............sighs of envy.

    1. Well Sherry, Bubba is always happy to see us when we stop by, and does not mind seeing us go when we leave. He is so easy going. And yes, we are so looking forward to our Alaska trip....I hope we savor each and every day. Lots to see and do, hope we find safe travels and no breakdowns.

  5. Love Skruffy's pink cell case!!

    I see some more excitement for the upcoming trip!!!

    1. John and Pam, excitement is an understatement. I think we are getting away a few days before May 1st as the countdown calendar has it....probably more like Monday, April 28th. I have a Dr. apt. in Little Rock on the 6th of May, and this would give us a chance to see my son in North-west Arkansas before the appointment in Little Rock.


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