
Friday, March 7, 2014

Bubba Shave – Seafood Dive


It was “that time” again, the time to give Bubba another buzz job.  Since it had been a good 6 weeks, it was a long and hard process....but Bubba did not whine about it, but is his patience sure had a good test.  Here he is all decked out in his bed, and no, I did not buzz his eyes out, guess he just does not like the camera flash either.

2a     2b

Come on Bubba, don’t hide….there you go, show off how fast you can shake your head now that most of the weight is gone from your big floppy ears.


Yes, momma thinks you look so nice now too.


Of course, the little one had enough of all the attention given to her older brother…At least she did not need one since I cut her last week after she moved into the condo.


For dinner we left the dogs in the motorhome and we drove the 8 miles over to Apollo where Kaz’s Seafood Dive had, just two weeks ago, moved from their Sun City location to Apollo.  There are three locations, this one is a “Restaurant and a Bar”, but it is not a very big bar, and the décor is very comfortable and eye appealing.  We also found the staff to be very nice and efficient…..which was good since it was a full house.  The food was very good.  I had the Seafood Combo, white fish, shrimp, clams and scallops with a crab cake, fries and green beans.  Marcia had the broiled Salmon with salad and broccoli.  We both had a cup of New England Clam Chowder soup too.  It was all good, except for the green beans…but the portions were so big, I did not mind leaving the beans.  In fact, Marcia finished her plate, I brought some of the white fish and fries home….the rest was history.  This new location is right on the corner of highway 41 and Apollo Beach Blvd.  There is indoor and outdoor seating, and the bar is more like a beer and wine bar, with seating at those high bar-type tables and chairs for those who like that type of thing.


I guess it was cold today.  At the restaurant as we were waiting at the door many of the “Northerners” were complaining about how cold it was.  Folks from Michigan were complaining about the below 60 degree weather, while their friends and family are up in Michigan were the temps are in the 30’s.  Marcia was a bit cold, I was just fine…but I did get the oil-filled radiant heater out for the night since it is suppose to drop into the 40’s again.  Tomorrow we head back home….but it has been a nice two day break.


  1. Sounds like a yummy dinner.

    It wasn't a real pleasant day yesterday with the cold wind and grey sky. But I had to laugh as I talked with our daughter who is in PA. She was commenting how nice it was was 41 degrees and she had her sunroof open! I was complaining about how cold we were at 62!!

    1. There was a large party, eight or more, who as they came out just complained and complained of the cold weather....if they wanted weather like this they would have stayed in Michigan. I think they just arrived Friday because as you know, Thursday was not cold, just rainy. Another couple were from Atlanta and they said that they drove down yesterday in the rain leaving temps in the 30's. I should have said, "Why did you bring that cold weather with you.", but I didn't.

  2. Bubba looks just's so funny how we all feel different about the weather. It's been pretty nice here in Arizona this winter!

    1. Thanks Gay and Joe. Bubba would give you a big sloppy lick on the check if you were here...well, maybe not, he is not into that Skruffy, that's another matter. I can see you have been enjoying Arizona. Good for you.

  3. I'm so glad our pets have no emotional tie to how they appear to others. I think Bubba, however, looks very trim and cute. As for cold weather, here in Tucson it was in the low 80s yesterday and will probably be the same today. Yesterday I went grocery shopping and to visit a museum. Today is relax in the sun with a good book. Tomorrow on to Phoenix.

    1. Hey Mary-Pat, see you are getting closer and closer to home. Sure hope your upcoming surgery goes well, but for now we hope you have continued safe travels.


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