
Monday, February 10, 2014

Doggie Blog Stars


Found this blog the other day, coffee with a canine, published by Marshal Zeringue.  The blog provides a short “interview” of a person, or couple in our case, and their dog, dogs in our case.  It first focuses in on what the dog is doing while you have your morning coffee…how you share that experience with your dog.   Then it asks all sorts of information about the dogs….so the focus is on the animals, not the humans.  Figured I would contact him to see if they were interested in our story, and he was.  I answered a bunch of questions, furnished some pictures, and well….go see for your self.  We just hope that all this attention doesn’t go to the puppies heads…..


Oh Crap, it’s too late!

Hey guys, remember us?  

What do you mean you are stars now and don’t want to talk to us???  

You don’t want to go to Alaska now? 

 What, what do you mean can we drop you off in Hollywood?

It was just a "blog" you were featured in, not Star Magazine!!!

HEY!  Which one of you changed our Blog Location to Hollywood????


Skruffy update:  I am happy to report that she is doing much better.  She will continue to need rest and some TLC.  She is jumping off the couch, and out of the car, but we need to help her little butt up into the car and onto the couch.  She is still a bit subdued, but as you can see above, she is responding to the “What’s that”, and she even let out a small single bark this time, which at 7 am is not the best of things when you are trying to stealthily keep her in a condo where the HOA rules don’t allow pets.  Amazingly, she seems to realize that the only way she can be here is to remain quiet, and she even gets into the very large laundry bag, which includes a large blanket inside, to sneak her into the condo and out to the car.  So far only one or two people have seen me carrying this “bag” like one would be carrying a baby almost….but it looks to them like it is a pile of laundry….at least I hope that’s what they think.  And for those who might be wondering….no, we don’t have sun glasses, and that is not Bubba’s real smile….amazing what one can do with photoshop.


  1. That is way cool Dave...I will check it out!
    Thanks for the Scruffy update.....glad to hear he is much better!

    1. After I submitted the information, it took about two weeks before it was published....guess they had three or four others in the queue already.

  2. Loved the story and how you became 4! (Was your game WOW by any chance?) Am enjoying and will be following your trek to Alaska! Our Bailey is the light of our lives too!

    1. The game was called Evony, Marcia still plays, I have given it up. Nice to have you along...

  3. Good to hear Skruffy is doing better:) I am sure being home is helping. Funny how they seem to know what is necessary to stay where they are.

    1. Yes, but we both know that just one knock on the door will give it all away. Lucky we don't have unannounced visitors very often.

  4. I'm happy to hear Skruffy is improving! Praise God!

    1. Thank you Lynnie, with ALL you are going through, and have gone through health ways, that means a lot to us. God bless you....I hope those Canadian Doctors will finally get their acts together and give you the help you desperately deserve. --Dave

  5. Glad to hear about Skruffy still bummed to hear all the trouble you and she have to go through to be together in your own home. Very nice interview with you 4. I'm happy to know more about you all and I can clearly see why Bubba and Skruffy think they belong in Hollywood. They could have their own show I'm sure. They certainly don't seem to have any trouble having become a blended family. You didn't talk about sibling rivalry.

    1. No sibling rivalry....Skruffy tells Bubba what to do (literally) and Bubba is so easy going he goes ahead and does it. For instance, they typically enter the motorhome first, and then I tell them to get up on the couch so that they are not in Marcia's way as she gets up the stairway. Skruffy starts barking at Bubba to get up on the couch, he gets up there, she gets up there and all is well.

  6. Me, too - I'm happy to hear Skruffy is doing better. Katie was featured on "coffee with a canine," too. I think that's a great idea, I had fun doing ours, and enjoyed reading your post on the dogs and you and Marcia. Thanks for letting us know. :)

    1. Oh wow, Katie is a star too! What would ever happen if the three of them got together??? (I think they should go out and find other RVers with dogs, there are so many out there....)


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