
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Madera, Ca to Yucca, Az


As we drove down the Central Valley from Madera to Bakersfield, we could not get a picture even “if” there was something to take a picture of.  The Fog/Smog (25% fog to 75% smog in my opinion) was just terrible.  The shot above is about 15 miles east of Bakersfield.  You should be able to see larger hills and even a bit of mountains beyond…but you can see how bad it is.


Another 8 miles or so, and it is still real bad….


As we got closer to Tehatchapi, it starts clearing up even more.


And finally into the Western edge of the Mojave Desert, and things had cleared up considerably.  And somewhere out there in the Mojave Desert, we stop at a eastbound rest area, right across from the west bound rest area we stopped overnight at last year on our way to California.  Can’t you just imagine the conversation this year, after last year’s comment…..


"Who stole the #*%*@&* grass?"



“Bubba, I don’t like this…..remember those trees way over there?  That was the only “green” we saw over there…. there’s still no #*%*@&* grass here!  Look, I’ll distract dad, you get on his cell phone and call Uncle Arny, he’ll come and rescue us.”

Poor little fur children…. however, Bubba did find just a little bit of green growing out of the base of those nearest trees…they are amply watered now.


We thought about staying at that rest area, but decided it was just too early, and still 300+ miles away from Prescott….we would rather be a bit closer than that.  As we headed on, the sun was getting low in the south-western sky….leaving a magic glow on these mountains to our north-east.


As we got to the last rest area in California, there was only a slight glow to the south-west as the sun had disappeared into the smoggy western skies.

If I had any complaint about our camera, it is that night pictures are not its forte…. or is it that it is just the photographer?  Anyway, we are tucked safely away in a rest area by Yucca, Az.  We have an end spot, and since it is an ADA spot, it is wide, and the truck next to us is so far to our front that we will have a hard time hearing its engine if it is on…but since it is going to be around 40 tonight, I think we will have our generator on for much of the night anyway…. which drowns out much of the other noise.


  1. That's a really nice picture of the red mountains....the setting sun casts such a rich glow.

    Safe travels ....

    1. Thanks....took that one without even stopping...rolled down my window, shot about four shots, and there you go.

  2. Your night picture looks great to me. My camera will not do it period. Interesting that you are allowed to over night at rest areas. No go where I've been

    1. I think it varies from state to state. In California my guess is that you can stay overnight at around 85% of them, perhaps more. Sometimes there are signs which say, "No overnight camping", and in smaller print it says, "All stays must be limited to under 8 hours." All I can tell you is that we have never had a problem, and when you ask security, if there is security, they say that the signs are to keep people from staying over and over and over each night.

  3. Hey, you're on your way! I just love the photos and conversation between the 'kids.' Do you think you might be anywhere near here on your voyage to Florida? I'm about 20 miles south of I-10 at about Lafayette, LA. It would be fun to introduce you to the gang here and I'll be here another month.

  4. I'm curious where Yucca AZ is?? Lived in Yucca Valley CA for a couple years but haven't seen another one in AZ. Am glad to hear that some rest areas are still an overnight option......seems like a much safer option than having to push through the night.

    1. Yucca is a small, unincorporated community along I-40 between Lake Havasu and Kingman. As for rest areas, yes, one can stay for a limited time period, normally 8-10 hours, at a rest area to "rest". We do not put out our slide, but we do put up our antenna and run our generator, which is quieter than the 18 wheel trucks typically sitting near us in the rest area.


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