
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hummingbird Oops

Someone got a tripod.  Someone got a tripod.  That is, if you call this little 8” tripod a real tripod.  But that is what I wanted for now.
Set the tripod up on a table, rock, or ground, and bingo, in business….especially if used in conjunction with the 2 or 5 or 10 second timer.
Add the repeat burst shooting affect….and well, you decide if it was worth the $8 or not.  Smile

But the cost is greater than $8 in this case….because in my excitement, I accidently erased all, and I do mean ALL of our Harry and David tour pictures that we took in Medford on our way back to the Sacramento area on Friday.  However, we got the idea about going on the tour by reading Mary-Pat’s blog earlier in the week, and she has pictures and tells the story about the tour.  If you are in Medord, it is well worth the $5 fee.  Here is her blog posting about Harry and David.  The way they operate is amazing....a very well run company full of what looks like happy workers.  As Marcia said...guess we will just have to go back up there for another tour and some Moose Munch.


  1. Wow! Outstanding photos of the hummingbirds! Good purchase:) Sorry you lost your photos. Time for another visit!!!! Marcia's right!

    1. As for the lost photos....I have a 32gig card in my holds LOTS of pictures. I always move the pictures off the card onto my computer and clear the card. My first shots with the tripod were ok, but not close up enough, so I decided to delete them and the practice shots I had done setting it up....and totally forgot about the Harry and David shots. Nothing to do but shrug ones shoulders and move on....(sniff, sniff, cry, cry)

  2. Awesome hummingbird pictures! The tripod was a real deal!

    1. Yes, I think it will come in handy, and easy to carry, and it certainly does not take up much space. Next, the elusive woodpecker that comes now and then into my sister's backyard.

  3. Magnificent hummingbird photos, Dave. I think I brought my 8-inch tripod; now, where can it be? As for the H&D photos, I too had an issue and didn't get the whole part of the tour that dealt with fruit choosing, packaging, etc. But, fear not, a travel writer on my tour will send me his photos of that portion of the tour later this month when he gets home to Michigan; I'll be happy to share all with you.

    1. You need to add those other pictures to your tour, that is for sure. I too was amazed at the pure organization of everything they do. Amazing tour and amazing business Harry and David is.


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