
Thursday, September 12, 2013

9/11 Memorial–11th straight year


Today we took Marcia and mom to get their hair cut, then lunch at Leatherby's Family Creamery, which is, let’s say, a very good treat…just click on the name and see for yourself.  Since the hair dresser was in the same parking lot, how could we pass it up????  Mom and dad’s car was in the shop way down south of Sacramento (they drive a Suzuki, and there is only one dealer in the area which still has the proper computer to diagnose the check engine light correctly), and they called while we ate to say it was done.  So a simple hair cut turns into a long day…but that’s ok because I had a Royal Raspberry Fudge Sundae and a burger for lunch, nothing to complain about.  On the way back from the car dealership, I see a flag flying over a overpass and then remember…Marcia and I had talked about visiting the 9/11 memorial exhibit in West Sacramento that this one guy, now with a few helpers, puts up every year for what is 11 straight years now.  So Marcia and I turned west when we got to the main area of Sacramento and headed over to West Sac while mom and dad continued on home.  Unfortunately, did not have my camera with all these are taken from my crappy cell phone’s camera, sorry about that.


John Vinson got so mad on 9/11/2001 that he got an American flag after work and started waving it at a freeway overpass at rush-hour traffic.  Every year since he set up a 9/11 memorial in West Sacramento which now features over 500 large flags and 3,000 small flags.  Above is the display he has to represent the people who died within the twin towers except for first responders, which each have their own display.


Above is the first responder fireman display, below is a closer picture of the fireman within this display.


It is a very moving display…


Above is the Pentagon.  There was a display for flight 93 that went down in Pennsylvania, a display for police and port authority workers, and even a display, new this year, for the Boston Marathon victims.

2a  2b  2c

Above is a look from left to right of the entire humble display.  Not a big crowd at 3:30 in the afternoon, but the news showed a pretty good crowd for the morning service.  It is nice to see a home-made, down to earth, non-political, patriotic display like this.  It sure makes one pause to think and remember what happened on this day, 12 years ago.

3a    3b
God bless our country, our troops, our first responders, our patriots…..and people like John Vinson.


  1. Thanks for that tribute, Dave. I live in Roseville and have never been aware of this yearly tradition. What a caring American this gentleman is.
    There are many memories in people's lives and we should never forget those who've given their lives that we may remain free to believe and practice what our hearts and minds lead us to do.
    George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, JFK, MLK, moon landing, 9/11 ........ the list goes on

  2. Some of the best monuments are those which are so plain, simple and humble. I am glad that the media decided to cover it this year, good article in the Bee, and at least two of the local news stations, which is how we found out about it. It was a nice breezy day, and seeing all those flags waving in the air was something else.

  3. Quite a moving display. Thanks for sharing:)

    Glad you had your sundae. Sounds so good.

    1. That Sundae was, well, beyond good....some had to have it, happy it was me. :)


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