
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Quincy California


Quincy and East Quincy are unincorporated communities which together total around 4,300 people.  The county seat for Plumas County, which has a population of 20,000 people, is located here.


In the Google Map above, you can see the layout, a nice big valley lying between the mountains.  The mountains were full of gold, and mining towns dotted the mountains, the community of Quincy, established in 1858, survived, most others did not.  The area is not growing much, some population loss in Quincy, some gains in East Quincy…pretty much stagnant. Not sure how much of the lack of growth is due to the National Forest, or the lack of jobs.... Plumas County has a unemployment rate of 13.6%.

1b  1c

As you can see from the top picture, and the two pictures above, Quincy is surrounded by mountains…yet it only has around 30'” of snowfall each year and highway 70 is frequently open when I-80 is closed due to snow.

2a  2c

A drive down Main Street, above, and you can see various businesses which can be found in most small towns.  Shops, cafes, law offices, insurance, banks, did I mention shops….


…and the County Courthouse, which has Greek architecture design to it.  There seems to be no real Greek population within the area (like 22 people out of 4,300), yet the Plumas County Bank Building (below), built in 1903-04, sure looks Greek to Marcia and me.  Looks like a good building for a nice Greek Restaurant.  But we could not be that lucky.


As we drove around we found two places that we might want to visit later…


…the Plumas County Library above, and the Plumas County Museum below.


We also saw some nice old homes, and a lot of older homes which need some help.  Did not feel like taking pictures of the ones that need help…so we will end this with just a few nice older homes.


Note:  The first one “might” be a bed and breakfast, but we did not see a sign.  The last one has a date on it of 1862 and is called the Kellogg House, most likely owned by Henry Waters Kellogg.  This house has recently gone through a remodel is up for sale….got $299,000???


  1. Thanks for the armchair visit of Quincy - hope you and Marcia are cool and comfy at the higher elevation.

    1. I love these little California communities....away from all the hustle and bustle of the big cities and their many suburban additions. The people are so nice in the grocery stores, gas stations, even if they are behind you while you are trying to catch a quick picture alongside the road (as long as you don't hold them up too long).

  2. I don't think I've been through Quincy, but it looks like a cute little town.


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